Example settings for Berserker's Multiworld 4.0
multiworld-example.yaml (Source)
# What is this file?
# ------------------
# This file contains options which allow you to configure your multiworld experience while allowing others
# to play how they want as well.
# The options in this file are weighted. This means the higher number you assign to a value, the more
# chances you have for that option to be chosen. For example, an option like this:
# map_shuffle:
# on: 5
# off: 15
# means you have 5 chances for map shuffle to not occur, and 15 chances for map shuffle to be turned on.
# That means a 1/4 chance of map shuffle.
# If you want to think of the options as percentages, you can make sure they add up to 100, but it's okay
# if they don't actually add up to 100.
# Lines starting with #, like all of these, are comments that get ignored.
# An important thing about yaml files is they completely break if your file contains a "tab" character.
# All these lines need to be indented with spaces.
# ================================================================================================
# Okay here's where we start!
# First, change your name unless you want to be called 'YourName'.
# __________|
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# v
name: YourName # Your name in-game. Spaces and underscores will be replaced with dashes
description: Example YAML for door shuffle multiworld # Used to describe your yaml. Useful if you have multiple files
# Goal settings
# -------------
# Remember that in multiworld, unless you're planning to 'forfeit' to release your items,
# you also need to help everyone else reach their goals before you finish.
# Non-local triforce hunts are a silly goal in multiworld, because your progress isn't
# determined by what you do more than anyone else.
# _Local_ triforce hunts, in contrast, can be a nice short goal for multiworld.
# What's the goal of your game?
ganon: 3 # Climb GT, defeat Agahnim 2, then kill Ganon
fast_ganon: 3 # Only killing Ganon is required. The hole is always open. Items may still be placed in GT, however
dungeons: 0 # Defeat the boss of all dungeons, including Agahnim's tower and GT. Kinda mean in multiworld.
pedestal: 1 # Collect all pendants and pull the Triforce from the Master Sword pedestal
ganon_pedestal: 1 # Pull something out of the pedestal, _then_ fight Ganon
triforce_hunt: 0 # this sucks in multiworld
local_triforce_hunt: 0 # Collect 20 of 30 Triforce pieces in your world, then give them to Murahdala in front of Hyrule Castle
local_ganon_triforce_hunt: 1 # Collect 20 of 30 Triforce pieces in your world, then kill Ganon
# Crystals required to open GT
'0': 0
'1': 0
'2': 1
'3': 1
'4': 1
'5': 1
'6': 1
'7': 1
# Crystals required to hurt Ganon, if it's a Ganon goal
'0': 0
'1': 0
'2': 0
'3': 0
'4': 1
'5': 2
'6': 2
'7': 1
# Triforce hunt settings
# ----------------------
# These of course don't matter if you don't have triforce hunt as a possible goal.
# First off, there are now multiple ways to set the number of triforce pieces. 'extra' is the one that
# makes the most sense to me, where a number of required pieces is chosen, then a number of extra pieces
# are added to it.
extra: 1
# How many triforce pieces do you need to collect to win?
20: 1
25: 1
30: 1
# How many additional triforce pieces are there that you don't need to find?
# (You can put any numbers in as the options)
3: 1
5: 1
10: 1
# Game setup
# ----------
# What does the start of the game look like? This used to be called 'world_state'.
standard: 1 # Begin the game by rescuing Zelda from her cell and escorting her to the Sanctuary.
open: 1 # Begin the game from your choice of Link's House or the Sanctuary
inverted: 1 # Begin in the Dark World. You need the moon pearl in the light world. Some map changes.
# Retro mode changes a bunch of things to be like z1. Small keys are universal, arrows cost money, you must buy a quiver,
# take-any caves and an old-man cave are added in random previously-useless locations. You may need to find your sword
# from the old man's cave.
on: 0
off: 1
# Dungeon item settings
# ---------------------
map_shuffle: # maps are shuffled outside their dungeons, and reveal whether each dungeon is a crystal or pendant
on: 1
off: 1
compass_shuffle: # compasses are shuffled outside their dungeons
on: 1
off: 1
on: 1 # small keys are shuffled outside their dungeons
universal: 1 # you have one pool of small keys, they work for any key door, you can buy more in a shop
off: 3
bigkey_shuffle: # big keys are shuffled outside their dungeons
on: 1
off: 1
local_keys: # your shuffled keys are in your own world, not other worlds in multiworld
on: 1
off: 3
# You know those keys that are under pots or dropped by enemies? Those can be shuffled into the item pool.
# Key-drop shuffle plus small key shuffle can require _lots_ of dipping into dungeons.
on: 0
off: 1
# When can you see how many item locations are in a dungeon and how many you've checked?
on: 1 # always!
pickup: 0 # when you find the compass
default: 0 # when you find the compass but only if the compass is shuffled
off: 0 # never!
# This setting is part of a mode called 'Ambrosia' that's balanced for racing. When it's on, the boss
# of a dungeon will always drop an item that 'counts' -- it won't be a dungeon item, like a map,
# compass, or unshuffled key. It could still be garbage, of course.
on: 0
off: 1
# Entrances and doors
# -------------------
# Do overworld doors go where you expect them to go?
# Documentation: https://alttpr.com/en/options#entrance_shuffle
none: 1 # Vanilla game map. All entrances and exits lead to their original locations. You probably want this option
dungeonssimple: 0 # shuffle just dungeons amongst each other, swapping dungeons entirely, so Hyrule Castle is always 1 dungeon
dungeonsfull: 0 # shuffle any dungeon entrance with any dungeon interior
simple: 0 # Randomizes dungeons with dungeons, connectors with connectors, etc.
restricted: 0 # Like simple but connectors can be weirder
full: 0 # Any entrance can lead pretty much anywhere, except connectors have to keep you in the same world
crossed: 0 # Any entrance can lead pretty much anywhere, and can provide paths between the worlds
insanity: 0 # Entrances and exits are decoupled, so you can walk in and out the same door and end up somewhere else
# Door shuffle is the new thing where the insides of dungeons are scrambled. Draw maps!
vanilla: 1 # dungeons are like they are in vanilla
basic: 0 # dungeons are shuffled within themselves
crossed: 0 # dungeons are made of chunks of all the dungeons! Hyrule Castle might have rooms from Tower of Hera and Misery Mire in it.
on: 1 # Uses the experimental hud for door shuffle, if door shuffle is on. You probably want it
# When it's not vanilla doors, how shuffled do you want your doors to be?
1: 0 # open edges and centered stairways go where you expect
2: 1 # open edges and centered stairways are shuffled
3: 1 # Lobby shuffle: the entrances to dungeons can be different rooms.
# When does the logic place items that are inaccessible?
items: 1 # Guarantees you will be able to acquire all items, but you may not be able to access all locations. The usual for z3r.
locations: 1 # Guarantees you will be able to access all item locations, and therefore all items
none: 0 # Guarantees only that the game is beatable. Some items may be unreachable if you don't need them.
# Are the sword, shield, and bow a series of progressive upgrades? Change this if you want a throwback to older versions of the randomizer.
on: 1 # All items progressive, like usual
off: 0 # No items progressive: maybe your uncle hands you the butter sword right away
random: 0 # Randomly decides for all items. Swords could be progressive, shields might not be
# Hint tiles
'on': 1 # Hint tiles sometimes give item location hints
'off': 0 # Hint tiles provide 'gameplay tips' that are things you already know
# Where are swords located?
randomized: 2 # Swords are placed randomly throughout the world
assured: 2 # Begin with a sword, the rest are placed randomly throughout the world
vanilla: 1 # Swords are placed in vanilla locations in your own game (Uncle, Pyramid Fairy, Smiths, Pedestal)
swordless: 0 # Your swords are replaced by rupees. Gameplay changes have been made to accommodate this change.
# What items are available?
easy: 0 # There are more progressive items than necessary, and two lamps
normal: 1 # Item availability remains unchanged from the vanilla game
hard: 0 # Reduced upgrade availability (max: 14 hearts, blue mail, tempered sword, fire shield, no silvers unless swordless)
expert: 0 # Minimum upgrade availability (max: 8 hearts, green mail, master sword, fighter shield, no silvers unless swordless)
# Do you want certain items to kinda suck?
# In hard functionality:
# - potions are less effective
# - you can't catch faeries
# - cape uses double magic
# - byrna does not grant invulnerability
# - boomerangs do not stun
# - silver arrows are disabled outside ganon
# In expert functionality, on top of that:
# - the hookshot also doesn't stun
# - potions are even less effective
normal: 1 # Vanilla game item functionality
hard: 0 # Reduced helpfulness of items
expert: 0 # Vastly reduced helpfulness of items
# hey. do you like getting stuck in BK mode? or glitching out of BK mode?
on: 1 # your progression items are found in similar spheres to other players
off: 0 # maybe your moon pearl is on someone else's Trinexx >_<
# Provide a chance of starting with certain items
"Pegasus Boots":
on: 1
off: 1
on: 1
off: 3
# 'Enemizer' settings
# -------------------
none: 1 # No boss shuffle
simple: 0 # Existing bosses except Ganon and Agahnim are shuffled throughout dungeons
full: 0 # 3 bosses can occur twice
random: 0 # Any boss can appear any amount of times
singularity: 0 # Pick one boss, it appears everywhere it can, other bosses are randomized
# Enemy shuffle: the main thing you think of when you think "enemizer"
on: 1 # enemies are shuffled
off: 3
default: 1 # Vanilla enemy damage
shuffled: 0 # Enemies deal 0 to 4 hearts and armor helps
random: 0 # Enemies deal 0 to 8 hearts and armor just re-randomizes the damage. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS
default: 1 # Vanilla enemy HP
easy: 0 # Randomize enemy HP, and make it less overall
medium: 0 # Randomize enemy HP, with the same average
hard: 0 # Randomize enemy HP, and make it more overall
expert: 0 # Randomize enemy HP, possibly to very high amounts
on: 1 # Thieves can be killed
off: 0 # Thieves are invincible, like usual
on: 1 # Tile rooms make new shapes
off: 1 # Tile rooms are always the same space-invader shape
on: 0 # pots containing floor switches and small keys are shuffled within their supertile.
off: 1 # pots are what you expect
bush_shuffle: # Randomize the chance that bushes have enemies and the enemies under said bush
on: 1
off: 1
# BEES! [oprah.gif]
# Beemizer replaces some items with bees. Some are 'bee traps' that are swarms of bees that attack you, some are just a
# peaceful bee that goes in a bottle if you have one.
# Beemizer levels 1 and 2 are great once in a while, for the unexpected fun of sending your friends bees over the Internet.
# Levels 3 and 4 are VERY HARD. You will have a max of 4 hearts.
0: 1 # No bee traps are placed
1: 0 # 25% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps
2: 0 # 60% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps, of which 20% could be single bees
3: 0 # 100% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps, of which 50% could be single bees
4: 0 # 100% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps
# 'Shop shuffle' affects the contents of shops. The options are combinations of letters that
# determine what is shuffled. You can make up new combinations if they aren't contradictory, out
# of these letters:
# i: shuffle the vanilla shop inventories around
# f: generate new inventories
# g: generate an inventory for each "type" of shop (I think)
# p: randomize the prices
# w: include the witch shop in the shuffle
# u: bring back bomb and arrow upgrades, and include those in the item pool
# To make shops interesting, you probably want to set 'shop_shuffle_slots' also.
none: 1 # shops are normal
ip: 0 # shops sell typical items but with random selections and prices
f: 0 # shops have new inventories with vanilla prices
gp: 0 # shops are a little different, but usually have the same inventory
fp: 0 # shops are unique and randomized
fpw: 0 # shops are very random, including the witch shop
ufpw: 0 # all that and also upgrades are back in the item pool
# Shops can now sell items that come from the item pool, including unique items like the
# fire rod. These items are marked with a star. After you buy them, their slot is filled by
# an item from the normal shop pool.
# There are 30 possible shop slots. How many of them should sell items from the item pool?
# (10 might be a good choice to experience shop shuffle and not have to farm money)
0: 1
5: 0
10: 0
15: 0
30: 0
# Another one of those letter-based settings, about when consumable items are dropped.
none: 0 # Vanilla. (I honestly don't remember what the vanilla prizes are)
g: 1 # 'General' prizes are shuffled: enemy kills, stun kills, tree pulls, digs...
b: 0 # 'Bonk' prizes are shuffled, like when you bonk a tree and get a fairy
bg: 0 # Shuffle both 'general' and 'bonk' prizes
# Cosmetic features of your ROM
# -----------------------------
# This can be a sprite name, or a random setting
link: 1
zelda: 1
random: 0 # Randomize once for the whole run. Might not use the sprite pool?
randomonhit: 0 # Re-randomize every time you get hit
randomonbonk: 0 # Re-randomize every time you bonk
randomonenter-exit: 0 # Re-randomize when you enter or leave the underworld
# The list of sprites that are chosen at random, if your sprite setting is random on something.
# You can see these names when you generate a game on https://alttpr.com/en/randomizer
- cadence
- casual zelda
- cheep cheep
- cucco
- cursor
- goose
- "hoarder (bush)"
- link
- maiden
- minish link
- princess peach
- sonic the hedgehog
- yoshi
- zelda
- zero suit samus
disablemusic: # turn on to completely disable music
on: 0
off: 1
# Enable switching items by pressing the L+R shoulder buttons
on: 1
off: 0
# Palette randomization
# ---------------------
# You can change the colors of the overworld:
default: 1 # No changes
random: 0 # Change colors in sensible groups with some kinda nice color theory
grayscale: 0 # Make everything gray
dizzy: 0 # Randomize hues only
sick: 0 # Randomize hue and saturation
puke: 0 # Completely randomize every color with no "logic". It looks BAD.
negative: 0 # invert all the colors. Shadows look super wrong
# And the colors of the underworld (caves and dungeons):
default: 1 # No changes
random: 0 # Change colors in sensible groups with some kinda nice color theory
grayscale: 0 # Make everything gray
dizzy: 0 # Randomize hues only
sick: 0 # Randomize hue and saturation
puke: 0 # Completely randomize every color with no "logic". It looks BAD.
negative: 0 # invert all the colors. Shadows look super wrong
# Change the colors of the HUD
default: 1 # You get the idea
random: 0
grayscale: 0
negative: 0
dizzy: 0
sick: 0
puke: 0
default: 1
random: 0
blackout: 0 # 'Blackout' is a terrible choice for most settings, but sure, turn swords black if you want
grayscale: 0
negative: 0
dizzy: 0
sick: 0
puke: 0
default: 1
random: 0
blackout: 0
grayscale: 0
negative: 0
dizzy: 0
sick: 0
puke: 0
# Control how fast the item menu opens and closes
normal: 1
instant: 0
double: 0
triple: 0
quadruple: 0
half: 0
# Control the color of your health hearts
red: 1
blue: 0
green: 0
yellow: 0
random: 0
# Control the frequency of the low-health beeping
normal: 0
half: 0
quarter: 1
off: 0 # blessed peace and quiet
# Options that you don't want to mess with in multiworld
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Determine the glitches required to complete the seed.
none: 1 # No glitches required
overworld_glitches: 0 # Assumes you know all the overworld glitches, including stuff like screenwraps and downwarps.
no_logic: 0 # Your fire rod could be on Trinexx
# Elia randomized this once. It was bad.
none: 1 # Play the game in a reasonable way
timed_ohko: 0 # Play a mode that is an impressive technical accomplishment, and also is not fun
timed_countdown: 0 # like timed OHKO except there's no OHKO and the timer does nothing
# 'Glitch boots' mean that if your logic requires major glitches, it will give you boots from the start to do those glitches with.
on: 1
off: 0